Appendix C
Manual Pages



backend - single user Udanax Green backend




intf backend fex


Backend accepts requests from a frontend, such as fex(L), through stdin and responds through stdout according to the FeBe Protocol 88.1x .


Initially backend conducts a dialogue with the frontend to establish that both parties understand a common protocol. This "metaprotocol" consists of one or more newline characters (i.e., byte value 0x0a) from the frontend as synchronization; before the newlines, all input is ignored. After the newlines backend expects to receive the string:


(i.e., byte values 0x50 0x30 0x7e). On seeing this, backend responds with:


(0x0a 0x50 0x30 0x7e) meaning that Udanax Green FeBe Protocol represented by "0" is understood. If backend sees any other input after the last newline, it responds with:


(0x0a 0x50 0x3f 0x7e) meaning that it did not understand the frontend, and then exits.

Error Redirection

After successful completion of the metaprotocol dialogue, backend closes stderr and reopens it with the file backenderror to avoid disrupting the frontend interaction.

Data Structure File

Backend then attempts to open the file enf.enf in the current working directory. This file contains the data and links from all sessions since it was created. If this file does not exist or has been obviously corrupted, a new one is created.

Interactive Session

Backend is now ready to accept Udanax Green FeBe Protocol requests. The session lasts until the frontend issues a quit request. After backend responds with a quit code the frontend may exit. After sending the quit code, backend updates enf.enf and closes it before itself exiting.


When backend starts accepting requests, the working user account is set to the default account, under which new documents and versions will be created until the working user account is changed with the x-account request.

Note that if the session is using a new enfilade file, neither nor any other account will exist, and must be created before any documents may be created. To create the account, first create the node 1.1 with:

create-node-or-account 0.1.1

and then create account with:


Edit Logging

Backend records all edit requests in a file called:


where m, d, h, and m are the month, day, hour, and minute, respectively that the backend began execution. Each line in this file is a single backend request. This format is possible since the Udanax Green FeBe Protocol terminator character `~' and a newline are accepted as identical by backend, and multiple delimiters before a new request are ignored (treated as null requests). The file is produced so that edit operations made during any session may be reproduced later should backend fail, or for whatever other reason may arise. If you want to redo the operations recorded in an individual log file, edit that file so that it has at least one blank line followed by "P0~" at the top, then invoke backend as

backend <logfile

where logfile is the name of the appropriate edit log. The edit described above is necessary since the metaprotocol does not appear in the log.

For reconstructing entire enfilades from edit logs, it is useful to concatenate the relevant logs into one file. To do this, first append the files together with cat(1), or some other utility. Then edit the resulting file to remove all quit requests (16~) except at the last line of the file. This new file may then be used to execute the contained requests in the manner described above.


backenderror - redirected stderr

enf.enf - the magic data structure file

ln?.?.?:? - the edit log file


fex(L), intf(L)

Udanax Green FeBe Protocol Documentation,, August 1988


Virtually no sanity checking is performed on the input.

There are many possible requests, particularly edit operations on non-existent addresses and creating documents in non-existent accounts that are likely to corrupt the data structure.

Numeric inputs to the backend (i.e., tumbler digits, sizes and counts) are currently limited to values representable by 32 bit unsigned integers.

Tumblers input to the backend are allowed a maximum depth of 11 tumbler digits from the last leading zero digit.

Text items for insert may be no more than 950 bytes long; larger insertions must be broken into multiple text items.

Longer items are likely to cause the program to fail (see previous bug).

Node numbers are meaningless other than as a prefix for account numbers.

The data file enf.enf has a size limit around 400K disk blocks because of a kluged, fixed size allocation table.



Since the data structure is easy to corrupt with invalid, but unchecked, requests it is a good idea to occasionally copy enf.enf to a backup file.

Last change: 25 August 1988




backenddaemon - multiple user Udanax Green backend daemon


backenddaemon is usually spawned when necessary by ints(L) or intx(L), which will be referred to as "glue" programs.


Backenddaemon accepts and responds to requests from up to five frontends through socket(2) connections using the Udanax Green FeBe Protocol.

Error Redirection

The first action by the backenddaemon process is to close stderr and reopen it as the file backenderror to avoid disrupting the frontend interaction.

Parameter and Data Structure Files

Backenddaemon attempts to open .backendrc in the working directory inherited from the process that spawned it, either a glue program or a shell. This file is used by backenddaemon, both glue programs, and xlog(L) to set various run-time values to other than their defaults with lines of the form

metaname = word

where each program uses a different set of metanames, although since they all use the same routine to read the file, lines not used by a particular program must still be correct. Lines in .backendrc beginning with "#" are ignored.

Backenddaemon then tries to open enf.enf in the same directory. Enf.enf contains the data and links from all sessions since it was created. If this file does not exist or has been obviously corrupted, a new one is created.

Connection to Frontend

After the data structure initialization, backenddaemon creates a socket(2) with AF INET address format and SOCK_STREAM communications semantics. This socket is then bound to either the default port 55146 or the port given by

port = port-number

in .backendrc. The socket address is set to INADDR_ANY so that connections will be accepted from any host in the domain. Backenddaemon then waits for frontend connections with select(2). It is up to a frontend or a glue program to attach to the socket with connect(2).

After a connection is established, backenddaemon reads a device name from the socket. This name should be "SOCKET" if frontend interaction is to be through the socket. Ints(L) uses this mechanism. Otherwise, backenddaemon will communicate through the named device; see intx(L) for an example of this method.

After the device name is acquired, but before it is used, backenddaemon expects an x-account request over the socket to establish the initial account to be used (see Accounts, below).

When the account is set, backenddaemon switches to the nonsocket device if one was specified, otherwise communication continues to the original socket connection.


Next, backenddaemon conducts a dialog with the frontend to establish that both parties understand a common protocol. This "metaprotocol" consists of one or more newline characters (i.e., byte value 0x0a) from the frontend as synchronization; before the newlines, all input is ignored. After the newlines, backenddaemon expects to receive the string:


(i.e., byte values 0x50 0x30 0x7e). On seeing this, backenddaemon responds with:


(0x0a 0x50 0x30 0x7e) meaning that Udanax Green FeBe Protocol represented by "0" is understood. If backenddaemon sees any other input after the last newline, it responds with:


(0x0a 0x50 0x3f 0x7e) meaning that it did not understand the frontend, and then closes the connection.

Interactive Session

Backenddaemon is now ready to accept Udanax Green FeBe Protocol requests. The session lasts until the frontend issues a quit request. After backenddaemon responds with a quit code the frontend may exit. After the quit command, Backend closes the connection that the frontend was using.


See backend(L) for a description of account maintenance.

Edit Logging

Backenddaemon records all edit requests as backend(L) does, with the added property that an x-account request is placed in the log file whenever the requests that may follow are from a different account than the previous requests.


.backendrc - run time switches

backenderror - redirected stderr

enf.enf - the magic data structure file

ln?.?.?:? - the edit log file


backend(L), fex(L), ints(L), intx(L), xlog(L), accept(2), bind(2), socket(2)

Udanax Green FeBe Protocol Documentation,, August 1988


In .backendrc, whitespace is required on both sides of the "=" on each line.

When given a device name other than "SOCKET," daemon does not read lines that are not terminated with a newline.

See backend(L) for more bugs.


Since the data structure is easy to corrupt with invalid but unchecked requests, it is a good idea to occasionally copy enf.enf to a backup file.

The limit of 5 frontend connections is an arbitrary one, and does not reflect any limitations in the internal structure of the backend. The socket(2) facility was chosen because it was simple enough to not distract from the development of the more intricate Udanax hypertext functionality (i.e., it was a quick hack).

Last change: 25 August 1988




fex - experimental Udanax Green frontend


fex pipe-from-backend pipe-to-backend


fex is normally invoked by a "glue" program such as intf that starts both the frontend and the backend and sets up the pipes to allow them to communicate.


fex is a screen-oriented program resembling a visual text editor which provides a user interface to the Udanax Green backend backend(L). There is no explicit insert mode: alphanumeric characters typed at any time are inserted into the text under the cursor position. The DEL key is used to delete characters before the cursor position.

When fex is invoked it automatically locates and places on the screen a document ( that serves as an entry point to the system. This document contains a summary of frontend commands and a link connecting it to another document that serves as a general index. Additional commands are invoked through a pop-up menu.

TERMINOLOGY end-set A region of text (possibly discontinuous and possibly spanning more than one document) connected to another such region by a link.

link A connection between two end-sets, modified by a third end-set. These are respectively called the from-set, to-set, and three-set, of the link. From-sets are displayed as back-lit; to-sets as underlined (termcap permitting) or as back-lit. Three-sets are used to describe the intended meaning of the link, such as if it is a jump link or a footnote link. The distinction between from-sets and to-sets reflects the link author's intentions rather than any functional difference. The from-sets and to-sets of a link are really symmetrical.

cut A temporary mark made in the text to specify boundaries of an end-set for a link to be created, or a section to be rearranged or deleted.

display style When a link is followed, the text at the destination is displayed in a window that can be a quarter-screen (default), a horizontal half-screen, a vertical half-screen, or an entire screen. The display style can be changed through the menu (see below). If a window was created by following a link, its display style is initially determined by the three-set of that link.



cursor control ^W or up arrow Move cursor up

^Z or down arrow Move cursor down

^A or left arrow Move cursor left

^S or right arrow Move cursor right

^Q Top of document

^F Down one page

menu ^N Show menu: current selection is back-lit. Up and down cursor controls change current selection and SPACE BAR executes it. Available menu selections are listed under MENU OPTIONS below.

link following ^Y Follow the link indicated by the cursor. If the cursor position is occupied by multiple, overlapping end-sets, the first lines of each destination will be displayed in a menu. When the link is selected the destination text will appear in a new window whose size and position is determined by the display style.

^U Return from link: the first lines of the windows to which a return is possible are displayed in a menu.

text editing ^G Make cut. (For deletions see MENU OPTIONS )

^P Delete block

^C Rearrange

link creation ^V Change from-set: text delimited by cuts is added to a temporary from-set; then the cuts are cleared.

^B Change to-set: text delimited by cuts is added to a temporary to-set; then the cuts are cleared.

^L Make link: a menu appears asking if the link is to be a jump, quote, footnote, or marginal note. An appropriately typed link is then created between the temporary from-set and the temporary to-set; then the temporary end-sets are cleared.

miscellaneous ^] Redraw screen

^T Exit program

MENU OPTIONS set display style Select a display style, as defined above

show key definitions (unimplemented)

compare Show corresponding portions of two documents

follow link = ^Y

create link = ^L

make cut = ^G

delete cuts Clear all cuts

delete block = ^P

rearrange = ^C

create document Create a new, empty document. NOTE: a link to the new document must be made before leaving the document or the frontend will be unable to retrieve the document even though it still exists.

change from-set = ^V

change to-set = ^B

clearendsets Remove all temporary end-sets created by the previous two commands.

create version Duplicate the current document as a new version. NOTE: a link to the new document must be made before leaving the document or the frontend will be unable to retrieve the document even though it still exists.


This is an experimental frontend. The following bugs are known to exist. There are undoubtedly others. 1. Hitting DELETE with the cursor in the first position of a window causes a fatal error.

2. Text cannot be inserted below the last line of a document. Attempts to do so cause a fatal error. To append text to a document, place the cursor at the end of the last line and hit RETURN. Blank lines may be appended with repeated RETURNs.

3. Deletion of text in a newly-created document (i.e., one created in the current invocation of fex) may result in a mispositioning of the cursor. The actual document should be edited correctly. However, it is recommended that editing of newly-created documents be kept to a minimum.
Last change: 25 August 1988




intf - connect a frontend to the single-user Udanax Green backend


intf backend frontend


Intf uses the pipe(2) facility to connect a frontend program to the standard I/O of a program such as backend(L).

Two pipes are created by intf, one from the frontend to the backend, the other in the opposite direction. One end of each pipe is attached to stdin and stdout. Intf then forks and executes the backend program with these pipes as its standard I/O. The original branch of the fork then executes the frontend program with the file descriptor numbers for the other ends of the pipes passed as command line arguments in the form

frontend pipe-from-backend pipe-to-backend

so that the frontend can communicate with the backend through them. Intf does not exit if successful, turning into the frontend instead.


backend(L), frontend(L), execl(2), fork(2), pipe(2)
Last change: 25 August 1988




ints - connect a frontend to a Udanax Green backend daemon


ints frontend account


Ints uses the socket(2) facility to connect a frontend program to daemon(L).

Ints first reads the file .backendrc in the current directory. If the line

backenddir = path

is present, ints sets path as its working directory, otherwise the directory is unchanged.

Next, ints acquires a socket with AF_INET address format and SOCK_STREAM semantics-the same form as daemon(L). Ints then binds the socket to a specific port and host. The default port is 55146 and the default host is localhost, although these can be changed in .backendrc with

port = port-number


host = host-name

(2) is then called with this binding. If the connection is not made, ints spawns a daemon on the local host machine with fork(2) and execl(2). The default daemon is backenddaemon in the directory set above, but this may be changed with

backend = daemon-name

in .backendrc. Ints then makes a second attempt to connect after a 15 second wait. A second failure results in termination.

Once the connection is acquired, ints sends the string "SOCKET" to daemon to indicate that the socket connection will be used by the frontend. Ints then sends an x-account request to daemon with the account number from the command line.

Finally, ints executes the frontend program. The default frontend is fex in the directory set above, but may be changed with

frontend = frontend-name

in .backendrc. The file descriptor numbers for the socket are passed as command line arguments in the form

frontend from-backend to-backend

so that the frontend can communicate with the backend through them. Ints does not exit if it is successful.


.backendrc - run time switches

backenddaemon - Udanax Green backend daemon program

fex - frontend program


daemon(L), fex(L), bind(2), connect(2), socket(2)

Udanax Green FeBe Protocol Documentation,, August 1988


If you are trying to connect to a backend daemon on another machine, it will not help for ints to spawn one on the local machine, as the second connection attempt will still fail.
Last change: 25 August 1988




intx - connect a Udanax Green backend daemon to a terminal


intx backend account


Intx is almost identical to ints(L). Instead of connecting to a frontend via a socket, however, intx connects the backend to the terminal that is attached to stdin. The purpose of this is to allow a frontend program running on a different machine connected to a network host via a serial line to connect to a Udanax Green backend.


.backendrc - run time switches

backenddaemon - Udanax Green backend daemon program


daemon(L), xlog(L), connect(2), socket(2), ttyname(3)


Presently requests to the backend are line buffered with intx.
Last change: 25 August 1988




xlog - entry point for experimental multiple user Udanax Green hypertext system


xlog [ user-name ]


Xlog attempts to find an Udanax Green account number based on a user name, if any, and then invokes either ints(L) or intx(L) with that account number. If no user name is given, account is used.

Xlog first reads .backendrc in the current directory. If the line

backenddir = path

is present, xlog sets path as its working directory, otherwise the directory is unchanged. Xlog then prompts for a password (which is not checked), and looks for the account number for user-name in either accountfile in the directory set above, or in the file named by

accountfile = file-name

in .backendrc. This file contains lines with the format


for example,


Xlog then asks if you want to run the standard frontend (through ints(L)) or one running on a different machine (connected via intx(L)). The appropriate program is then executed, and xlog vanishes.


accountfile - file to map from user names to account numbers

.backendrc - run time switches


daemon(L), fex(L), ints(L), intx(L), execl(2)


If the directory is changed by .backendrc, ints, intx, and daemon will start with that directory, and attempt to read .backendrc from there. For now, just keep a copy wherever it may be used.
Last change: 25 August 1988




xumain - interactive stand alone Udanax Green backend with awful numerical interface


xumain [ < setup-script ]


Xumain is a quasi-interactive stand alone version of backend(L), which does not use the Udanax Green FeBe Protocol syntax, instead prompting for input to most requests. Xumain does, however, have enough similarities to Udanax Green FeBe Protocol for the protocol document to be a useful reference.

Xumain is the original Udanax Green backend, written before any frontend, and was intentionally left as a user-hostile program to encourage us to really write a frontend. The program continues to exist principally as a tool to create Udanax Green documents from text files using the source-unix-command command, which should really be a function of some



Spec-sets, spans, and v-spans are handled differently by xumain, with prompts for yes/no responses to determine which type to use; some of the prompts are context dependent. Tumblers are also different: xumain requires that the leading zeros of a tumbler are explicitly given, rather than with an exponent. All the prompts below that end with "=>" require a tumbler according to the Udanax Green FeBe Protocol. When a spec set is expected the user is prompted with

any spans or vspecs? (y/n)

where span has its usual meaning and vspec is a document number with a set of v-spans. The spec set is terminated with a negative response to this prompt. A positive response is followed by the prompt

a span? (y/n)

This is asking whether you want a span or a collection of v-spans within a document. A `yes' answer elicits a prompt for a span:

enter span



If you respond with `no', then you will be prompted for a document number with


and then for a v-span set with

any spans? (y/n)

except that this time, the span in question is a v-span. V-spans are requested until a `no' answer, after which you will be prompted for the next spec.

As an example consider this request to retrieve the first 10 characters from the document (The emphasized text is the user's response.): request? 5

any spans or vspecs? (y/n) y

a span? (y/n) n


any spans? (y/n) y

enter span

start=> 1.1

width=> 0.10

any spans? (y/n) n

any spans of vspecs? (y/n) n

Assuming they are present, xumain will then respond with those 10 characters.


There are four commands, x-account, create-node-or-account, open, and close which do not prompt for their arguments. All these, however, accept the same arguments as Udanax Green FeBe Protocol, but separated by newlines rather than the Udanax Green FeBe Protocol word delimiter character.

The insert request in xumain has an important difference from Udanax Green FeBe Protocol. Rather than giving a count of the number of characters in the text item, the input text is terminated with a blank line.

There is a request unique to xumain called source-unix-command, which is request number 21. This asks for a command for execution by sh(1) with the standard output directed to a file with the name "xum" followed by xumain's process number. A new document is created and the command output is placed there. The new document number is printed for future use. Finally, the output file is deleted.


enf.enf - the magic data structure file.

xum??? - command output for source-unix-command


backend(L), sh(1)

Udanax Green FeBe Protocol Documentation,, August 1988


See backend(L).


Since the data structure is easy to corrupt with invalid but unchecked requests, it is a good idea to occasionally copy enf.enf to a backup file.

Xumain will not appear in future releases.
Last change: 25 August 1988